
My story

Introduction to a Chemistry nerd

Hi there! How are things going? Hopefully not too bad. If you are at home cooped up because of the "the GreatCoV" (caugh caugh), you can spare a little time reading my story. You see this is my first blog. I wanted to do this for a while with the hope to inspire other students to follow a path of science and to advice young students to have the right mindset for college. This is me, If you are wondering 'Why she looks like such a nerd?' is because I aim to be one. Hopefully, when you leave here, you can learn a little about me and why I chose Chemistry as a career, and why you should consider doing a career in science. 

From PhD to MS in Chemistry, now entering the work force.

 Hello guys:           Is been a while since I have been here. Mainly, because I was busy trying to finished all of the experiments for my master thesis. So flash news, I decided to graduate with a masters in Chemistry instead of continuing with a PhD, at least for right now, and yei I just submitted my work yesterday. So hopefully my work will be available in Google Scholar soon. For those interested my thesis title is: "Evaluation of cytotoxicity of amphiphilic Janus nanoparticles in an immune cell model".          So why did I choose to go for a masters instead of going for a PhD? Well, throughout my undergraduate career and the two years I have been in graduate school I didn't have the opportunity to intern at any chemical company. Because of this reason, last year I felt that I lacked field experience, I really was wondering where I would end up. Also, I really wanted to help directly in the ...

Ria's Story and her graduate school journey

  Hi ChattyPhD friend! Today I am glad to introduce to you Ria’s story. Hope you can find insightful information and be inspired.          Hello all, my name is Ria. I have always been amazed by the complex interactions of atoms and molecules that allow life on Earth. When I first learned about chemistry, that everything is made of atoms and we are all just very complicated chemical reactions, I was awed by the sheer intricacy of that system. All it takes is one tiny reaction to go wrong in the body and life is ruined. How could we possibly be so complicated and, yet, all of us are still alive and thriving? I was drawn to the study of chemistry and biology as a career to further satisfy my curiosity about life and how it works.    I always look up to and am inspired by my teachers. When I was little, I wanted to be a teacher, to learn lots of things and then impart that knowledge unto others. One professor who really inspired me to pursue...