
Showing posts from August 31, 2020

Ria's Story and her graduate school journey

  Hi ChattyPhD friend! Today I am glad to introduce to you Ria’s story. Hope you can find insightful information and be inspired.          Hello all, my name is Ria. I have always been amazed by the complex interactions of atoms and molecules that allow life on Earth. When I first learned about chemistry, that everything is made of atoms and we are all just very complicated chemical reactions, I was awed by the sheer intricacy of that system. All it takes is one tiny reaction to go wrong in the body and life is ruined. How could we possibly be so complicated and, yet, all of us are still alive and thriving? I was drawn to the study of chemistry and biology as a career to further satisfy my curiosity about life and how it works.    I always look up to and am inspired by my teachers. When I was little, I wanted to be a teacher, to learn lots of things and then impart that knowledge unto others. One professor who really inspired me to pursue...